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HomeSchooling QLD

Requirements and how to get started.

In Queensland, Home education is a legal alternative to school enrolment. However, suppose you choose to educate your child at home during any stage of their compulsory education (between the ages of five and a half and eighteen). In that case, you must apply for registration via the Home Education Unit.
Your child cannot be enrolled at school and registered for home education; once your certificate is granted, they’ll have to be withdrawn from their existing school, and you will have sole responsibility for their education.

Registering for homeschooling in Queensland

Applications can be submitted at any time of the year and should include:

  • A certified copy of your child's birth certificate

  • Copies of any extant court orders

  • A completed statutory declaration

  • An overview of the intended educational program to be implemented.

You will also be required to include details of where your child will be educated and by whom (either yourself or a registered teacher) and your strategies for monitoring their educational progress.
When your documents are ready, you can download an Application for Registration for Home Education form.

Once you have registered for home education, you will be legally responsible for providing your child with a quality education. This includes:

  • Planning and implementing an educational program that aligns with the Australian National Curriculum

  • Providing an appropriate learning environment

  • Providing the resources necessary to support home education

  • Recording and assessing your child's academic progress

  • Submitting an annual report demonstrating your child's learning progress over time.

You can read more about the requirements of homeschooling and your responsibilities under the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 here

A written report on your child's home education progress is due in the tenth month of registration each year. This should include:

  • Details of learning experiences

  • A description of progress toward defined learning goals

  • Documented learning outcomes and achievements

  • Examples of creative or project work (samples of work, a creative portfolio, research assignments or a learning journal written by your child).


After Application Approval

Monitoring and recording your child's progress.

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