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ADT’s core belief is that everyone should be encouraged to reach their full potential – and that’s where experienced tutoring professionals come in.


Our home-schooling tutors provide more than “just” a tuition service. They work with you, a home-schooling parent, and complement the home-schooling experience to deliver a flexible, highly individualized education for your primary or secondary school-aged child.


Our Home-schooling program is designed to be tailored to your child’s unique requirements while strengthening their skills and exploring their interests.


Our face-to-face tutoring services will help children to learn at their own comfort and pace to study the core subject of English and Mathematics. 

What’s the Australian National Curriculum and why is it important for homeschooling?

The Australian National Curriculum details the subjects and topics all Australian students should be taught, regardless of where they live in Australia or the type of schooling they undertake. It was developed by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) in consultation with educators and subject matter experts.


According to ACARA:


The rationale for introducing the Australian Curriculum centers on improving the quality, equity and transparency of Australia’s education system.


  • Quality – and Australian Curriculum will contribute to providing world-class education in Australia by setting out the knowledge, understanding, and skills needed for life and work in the 21st century and by setting high standards of achievement across the country.

  • Equity – an Australian Curriculum will provide a clear, shared understanding of what young people should be taught and the quality of learning expected of them, regardless of their circumstances, the type of school that they attend, or the location of their school.

How will Home Schooling help the child?

Our unique tutoring program implements strategies to help fill in any gaps in the homeschooling or national curriculum while remaining focused on your child's individual needs. Our qualified tutors & teachers will support students in completing their education.

How will Home Schooling work?

This program is most suited for children who are not attending school. Home schooling is where the student can have a one-on-one teacher at home to study the curriculum. There are three processes in this program: 


  1. Students will undergo a Standardised Diagnostic Assessment to test their Level of Achievement.

  2. An Individual Curriculum Plan (ICP) will be developed to focus on this.

  3. Unit of work will be introduced and taught as per the National Curriculum. 

What will the student learn & what assessments will be given?

Assessments will be mapped to the newer version V9.0 of the curriculum and to its standards. We have partnered with the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) and this is where assessment and marking matrics will come from. Not just any task will be given, a curriculum-aligned tasks will be taught. In other words, the child will not miss any schoolwork. 

One of the many benefits, the child will learn with one-on-one attention and self-paced. 



Students are assessed on their performance through tasks including:


  • written assignments

  • oral presentations

  • practical exercises and demonstrations

  • texts and examinations

  • subject-specific tasks.

What will the Schedule look like?

While the Lesson timetable will be personalized based on students' needs.
Here is an example of the hours required.

  • Monday 10am - 11am  

  • Wednesday 10am  - 11am

  • Friday 10am - 11am 

Successful Program 

Our successful Home-schooling program will:


  • Align with the eight core learning areas as defined by the Australian National Curriculum.

  • Appropriately align with the age and general abilities of your child.

  • Utilise a range of learning materials and resources.

  • Be conducted in an environment conducive to learning.

  • Engage with the unique needs of your child, demonstrate educational and personal goals for that child and plan for change and progress over time.

  • Include a variety of approaches to teaching and learning.

  • Include opportunities for social development.

  • Be supported by sufficient and appropriate teaching resources.

Homeschooling Pre-enrolment Form

Expression of Interest - This is NOT the Offical Enrolment Form 

Thanks for submitting!
We will contact you to discuss your enrolment as soon as possible.

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